"All Good Things Come to Those Who Wait"

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 37!

Today I am 36 weeks and 6 days. Tomorrow I will be 37 weeks, Full Term technically! Wow, I just can't believe how close we are to meeting our precious baby girl! I went to the MD office today and my blood pressure was better than last week and baby girl is doing well. She is a cutie too, see pics I post. She is smiling!! :)
Everything is ready for her here at our house and her carseat has been installed and inspected by our local fire dept. too.

We are ready to meet her and will be sure to post updates when things start happening!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Belly Pictures

Making pickles July 4th weekend- Week 30

Nursery Pictures

Pictures of Baby Girl Copenhaver Nursery (almost complete)

34 weeks!!

Once again it has been too long since I last posted anything on my blog! I am currently 34 weeks along today and doing well. I started having to go to the MD office every week at 32 weeks due to my blood pressure. It isn't really high, but they want me to come in weekly for NST and Ultrasounds to be sure that Baby Girl is growing well and my blood pressure isn't affecting the health of the placenta. She weighed 4 lb 13 oz. yesterday according to the ultrasound! She was yawning and sucking on her fingers! So cute. She has a little fuzz on her head too! She definately has my nose and profile and has her daddy's big head and feet! She is an active little thing too! Her heartrate is in the 140's and strong! She gets the hiccups at least every other day! She is in the vertex position (head down).
We had our tour of Labor and Delivery this week, nothing too exciting for me but I am sure it was eye opening for Ben! :) It did make it seem more "real" to us that we were there and were going to be there to have her in the next few weeks!
We have a CPR course next week and then a breast feeding and baby care class the next week. Trying to get everything in to prepare us for her arrival. Don't think you can ever do everything to totally prepare yourself for a baby, but we have covered most of the basic bases. Her nursery is ready and waiting for her. Laundry is done (for now) and in her (full) closet and dresser.
Will download and post pictures of her nursery and some recent ones of me/belly. :)
I will keep you updated on the weekly visits.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

30 weeks!

Today I am 30 weeks pregnant! I can not believe it, only 10 weeks to go! Seems like time if flying now and it's pretty surreal thinking about bringing our baby girl home soon.

I have had a lot of fun getting her nursery organized. We had our first baby shower this past weekend! My sisters, Hunter and Kathryn and best friend Marsha did an amazing job with flowers, food etc! Baby Girl Copenhaver was definitely showered with LOTS of great things. I have had a good time showing Daddy (Ben) all that she got. I even did 3 loads of her laundry on Monday and it was so fun! I am sure that in a few months, it won't be so fun anymore! Haha :) She now has clean onsies, bibs, socks, blankets, sheets and changing pad covers.

I am feeling really good and not having any problems thus far in the pregnancy. Very thankful for that. Keeping an eye on my blood pressure but for now it's just an eye and nothing more.

It feels that this is the hottest summer in years! 100 degree days and pregnancy don't mix well, but I am hanging in. I spend most days indoors (minus errands that must be run a few times per week) or by the pool when it's not TOO hot!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

23 Weeks!

Today I am 23 weeks along and feeling great. Feeling this little girl moving around in my belly is the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. We have her nursery somewhat done, crib and changing table are up. The bumpers came in that we had made and I just love them. I am not one to do Pink for a girl (or blue for a boy) all over the nursery. Her crib and changing table are black and bumpers are black and white with green piping/ties. Her curtains are going to be a large black and white check. The recliner/rocker came in and it is all white and looks so clean. We will see how long that lasts with our cat Ollie. He is grey and very interested in the nursery so far! :) We caught him sleeping in her crib after we got that together.
We are really getting excited to meet this little girl and so far the adventure has been amazing. Can't wait to see what lies ahead for the second half of the pregnancy.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's a Girl!!!!

I am now 18 weeks today and feeling great! We had our ultrasound on Monday and it was so amazing. We were thrilled to find out that we are expecting a perfect baby girl! :) It was so amazing to see her moving around (even though I can't feel her yet), opening and closing her mouth, putting her fingers in her mouth etc. She was so cute and perfect! She has large feet, she takes after her daddy! We will begin putting together the crib tonight. We put the changing table together last week and it looks great, and really makes the nursery feel real now!